Prime Auto
401 Saskatchewan Ave E Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 0L5 204-239-5841


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Your axles are the last link in transferring power from the engine to your wheels. They’re strong parts that last a long time – but they can run into trouble. Axles just wear out over time...
Published on: Oct 27, 2019

Axle Service at Prime Auto in Portage La Prairie

Portage La Prairie drivers should know that the axles are the last link in transferring power from the engine to the wheels. They’re strong parts that last a long time but they can run...
Published on: Jul 07, 2019

Prime Auto Automotive Tips: Axles

The axle assemblies in your vehicle transfer power out to the drive wheels. On a rear-wheel drive vehicle, there is an axle shaft that goes from the differential in the center of the axle to each rear...
Published on: May 19, 2019


{{ image('MzUx') }} Question:I hear a clunking sound from my front wheel when I make a turn. What could be the problem?Prime Auto Answer:One possible cause of the problem is a worn axle. Front-wheel ...
Published on: Mar 12, 2015